Have A Whale of a Time at The Sapphire Coast

Have you ever considered the idea of Whale watching in Narooma NSW? If you have then now is the time to start booking, Whales are seasonal animals so that means that they move from place to place throughout the year. August through to November is the time that you can see Whales around the Sapphire Coast of Narooma and with them there is a whole host of other wildlife to see too!

A bit of history.

We are actually very fortunate to be able to see Whales these days and that is thanks to a certain ‘worldwide’ laws that were put in place to protect them. It wasn’t too long ago that there was a serious threat of not being able to see them anymore, some species of whales are still on the endangered species list so now really is a time to get involved. Help where you can and if by going to see the whales it means more exposure to their situation then that’s great news, ever little helps.

Why whales?

Whales are actually vital to the earth’s current ecosystem and to other wildlife within it, without whales there would be a complete imbalance and things would change drastically for sure. You can see how they interact with other animals when whale watching in Narooma, it is clear to see how other species of animals would likely cease to exist if whales weren’t around, plant and marine life would not be maintained as well as it is now so certain species may become over run causing a big problem in the food chain.

What can be done?

As much exposure to the whale’s situation is needed and as soon as possible, the more people that are aware of their dangers the better. Education is key and often, as humans our actions of a negative nature are based upon a lack of understanding, even things like littering play a huge part in the success of the whale’s future.

Whales are huge and when they go to eat, they aren’t able to sift plastic, rubber, metal and other bits of junk that we have thrown into the sea or surrounding areas. It may sound like a small deal, but in actual fact, something as simple as littering is monumental in terms of its negative effect on all kinds of nature.

The best thing that can be done is to spread the word, book a trip to see them with your own eyes and where possible help as much as you can, donate a little if possible if you don’t have time to help in other ways.